Hope and Vision Communities

Hope and Vision Communities provides supported, move-on accommodation for people who have successfully completed residential rehabilitation.
Welcome to Hope and Vision Communities

In 2019 Tony Attwood approached Peter Ross, the judge who had sentenced him, with an offer he couldn't refuse - he suggested that they work together.

What followed was the creation of a charity to help people escape the cycle of addiction and offending which causes such harm to so many.

Our Community

We want to see every person we work with reach their potential to find their place in society, start families of their own and enjoy independent life. Some will need a greater intervention than others, but we are always person-centric because each resident has their own story to tell, their own trauma, their own triggers and their own treatment.


Make a Donation

Your support helps someone in recovery have a second chance at life.

80% of people who enter drug or alcohol rehabilitation, have lost their home as a result of their dependency. But thanks to the generosity of people like you people who successfully leave rehabilitation can join a strong family-based community to continue their journey of recovery with hope and vision.



View Our Latest News...

We welcome Donna Duffy to our team as our Trusts and Grants Fundraiser! We are committed to sourcing the valuable funds to continue the support we offer our community and our plans to move forward and grow Donna has…
A pleasure and a privelage to be invited to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley community fund awards again as they have generously continued their support of our work with an award of £7,750 to…
Posted by tony /
“As a result of the continued growth of Hope and Vision Communities the trustees decided to restructure our senior team in order to ensure that we are ready for the next stage in our development. I'm delighted to welcome…
Posted by tony /

What Our Community Says...

We are dealing with a group of people who don't trust the system there to help them. Their barriers are often fear-based – a protection mechanism against trauma

Tony // //

Trauma is an emotional wound. We are forever managing its effect on us. Trauma sticks like tar

Will // //

People want to do everything they can to overcome their addiction and yet they want to do everything they can to avoid facing the trauma – in that confusing conflict of opposites the drugs and alcohol become the solution

Ray // //

We know that it is at the crisis points in life that relapse from recovery – especially early recovery - becomes a risk

Peter // //

80% of people told us that during their time in treatment they lost their home. Having achieved sobriety, they had nowhere to go

Louise // //

I have six months left until I leave rehab and I’m already starting to worry about this. Unless I have a well-paid job or supportive, generous family then it's going to be a very difficult time for me, of which I have neither at this time.

Tom // //